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Meet Samantha!

We're excited to announce that our team is growing!

For the last year, Jessica has served as our station's Digital Director, taking care of social media and website updates - as well as being our mid-day DJ. With four kids in four different schools and all their activities, she's taking a step back to focus on family. You'll still hear her during the day, and we're so glad she's still here and part of Team HOPE!

To fill the digital gap, we're excited to introduce Samantha Hays! Until you get to meet her in person, here's a little bit about her:

  • Her two biggest passions are creating and serving God. Making things better, such as creating digital designs or helping someone in need is a combo that makes her an amazing fit for sharing our ministry's heart online.

  • Samantha started going to church at the age of 11, then fully committed her life to Jesus at 19.

  • She's 23 years old and recently graduated with a degree in graphic design. Along the way she's done a lot of freelance work such as helping churches promote their ministries.

  • She and her husband, Landon, have been living in Palatka for about a year where they love going for walks with their dog, and antiquing.

  • While she didn't start out looking to work in radio, she knows the power of the music we're playing and what a big role it plays in people's lives. "Christian music is a reminder of God's goodness and grace. Keeping Hope FM on in the car helps remind me of that, even when I'm not looking for it."

Please help us welcome Samantha!

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