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Wave Walker

Writer's picture: Robin RobinsonRobin Robinson

You know the story where Jesus is walking on the water toward the disciples in a boat? (You can find it in Matthew 14 if you're not familiar with it.)

The disciples are out on the water in a great storm, and they see a figure walking toward them on the waves. They are terrified until Jesus reassures them that it’s Him. In typical Peter fashion, Peter calls out, “If it is You, let me come to you walking on the water.” Jesus responds, “Come,” and Peter does so. In the midst of the squall, Jesus and Peter are walking towards each other atop the raging seas. But then, Peter takes his eyes off of Jesus. He begins to fear. He begins to doubt, and he begins to sink. “Lord, save me!” he cries, and Jesus does so.

People like to ridicule Peter for taking his eyes of Jesus and beginning to sink, but he was the only one brave enough to get out of the boat in the first place. When we keep our eyes on Jesus, we can withstand the waves, but when we take our eyes off of Him, we begin to sink. But even as Peter began to sink for lack of faith, Jesus still reached out and caught him with only a gentle chastising; "You of little faith. Why did you doubt?"

It’s interesting that Peter trusted Jesus to save him as he sank, but not sustain him as he walked. Caught up in a rush of emotion, Peter set out walking on water as his Savior did... until he evidently got too caught up in his own head. Aren’t we too often like that? When God delivers, we feel on top of the world, assured of His promises and good blessings in our lives. But, oh, how quickly we forget them. We run to God in time of need, but when we think we’re doing fine on our own, we take our eyes off Him. And that's when we begin to sink. But I assure you the same God who walked on water and caught Peter's hand amongst the waves is sustainer, protector, and provider over your life. Keep your eyes steadfast on Jesus, and you will not fail.



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