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Words in a World of Lawlessness

People hate people and don’t even know why.  We are in a season where our utterance of words have no earthly consequences, they stir up my strife and create confusion and chaos.  I am sorrowful for those who attempt to navigate this life without benefit of the Spirit to discern our way, without the benefit of the Word to guide our hearts, minds and steps.


The song "Words" comes to mind, sung by Hawk Nelson some years ago--but ring so true today,....  


Words can build you up, Words can break you down,

  Start a fire in your heart or put it out

Let my words be life, Let my words be truth, I don't wanna say a word

  Unless it points the world back to You

.... Hawk Nelson (Words)


Ephesians 4:29 "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."


Stupid. Idiot. Jerk. Loser. Ignorant. Moron. Fool. “What were you thinking?” “You’ll never learn!” “You’re driving me crazy!” or some of the explicative that I heard on TV recently that have become the "norm."   It is "out of control, Poppy" as my 11 year old granddaughter would say.


Our words can do a lot of damage, and once they come out of our mouths it’s too late to do anything about it.  The Bible commands us to be slow to speak (James 1:19) and for good reason: the more we talk, the more we tend to sin.  God’s solution to this problem is very simple: are your words going to lift someone up or tear him or her down?  If it’s an insult, then don’t say it.  If it’s a blessing or an encouragement, say it often!  Like I tell myself “Sometimes the most Christ like thing I can do is…shut up,” so I try not to miss an opportunity to do so!


Foul language is not mature, impressive or attractive.  Foul language reflects poorly on its user and it’s lazy English.  It does not set you apart…it does just make you one of the crowd. God has not called any of His Children to be “normal”; He’s called us to be special, and the quality of our language is one way that can reflect that truth!

"Amen," or "Oh me!"?

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